On the Wing

On the Wing, General
On the Wing
Perhaps a storm has just calmed and the clouds are parting. The birds are foraging among the fallen leaves. A snapshot in time but also fluid. It is tempting to step toward the light and watch the birds take flight and the leaves scatter. But I like standing here, surrounded by color and movement.

General    36 x 40 x 1.5    $3,000.00   

Art Medium(s)
Oil and cold wax on wood panel
About The Artist
Stephanie is a graduate of the Yale University Fine Arts program, where she developed a strong understanding of composition and an eye for color and harmony. An award-winning artist, she has shown her work through solo exhibitions and in many national and local juried shows and galleries. Stephanie's paintings are included in collections around the country and internationally. She works out of her studio at MarinMOCA in Novato, CA.
Artist's Statement
I love making art and looking at the world with an artist’s eyes. I especially find inspiration in nature — the freedom of its organic shapes, the endless variation of colors, the ever-changing light. From representational to abstract, I strive to create dynamic space that is intricate, but also grounded. I hope the viewer will look, and then look again more closely, exploring the depth of the painting.