Flask, Fruit and Foliage

Flask, Fruit and Foliage, General
Flask, Fruit and Foliage
I wanted to show a table arrangement which would embellish a room decorated in the cool and rather vivid colors of the color wheel.
The sequence of hues is going down from a mid yellow to a more neutral green to a stronger blue-green and an intense blue.

General    24 x 33 x 1    $875.00   

Art Medium(s)
About The Artist
By birth I am half Scandinavian and half Italian and grew up in both Italy and America. Have been widowed for many years but am blessed with three children, eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren. A Harvard graduate in European History and a graduate of the Rudolph Schaefer School of Design I started painting to decorate my house, illustrate flower arrangements and my garden. I now live alternately in Italy and Marin County.
Artist's Statement
The artistic influences in my life have been my years in the ballet studio as a young
girl and then later the study of color theory. In painting I strive for a harmonious sequence of colors related in hue yet covering a range of value and intensity. My work reflects the rhythm I see in all nature. With the paint brush I again feel, as in the ballet studio years ago, that I am really dancing.