A Microcosm

A Microcosm, General
A Microcosm
We all live in our own individual microcosms which is just part of an entire world we all live in .

General    20 x 16 x 1    $700.00   

Art Medium(s)
Acrylic on canvas
About The Artist
I love making art and looking at the world with an artist’s eyes. I especially find inspiration in nature — the freedom of its organic shapes, the endless variation of colors, the ever-changing light. From representational to abstract, I strive to create dynamic space that is intricate, but also grounded. I hope the viewer will look, and then look again more closely, exploring the depth of the painting.
Artist's Statement
I am an artist. I feel. I see. What I feel and see, I paint. What touches me in real life, I will convey in some form of abstraction. What LIFE gives; I express. There are challenges, failures, pains, regrets but love and happiness too. That’s the Poetics of Life captured in Art. What I express I create with my heart and mind like a child.