No Tears For The Creatures of The Night

No Tears For The Creatures of The Night, General
No Tears For The Creatures of The Night
Oil on canvas - part of my Nocturnal Colours series : “Nocturnal Colours” is a thematic exploration of romanticized portraits seen through the lens of a dreamer. Set in nightlife backdrops, the portraits show strong, rebellious women of color surrounded by neon signs and colored lighting, capturing arresting moments with hints of cinematic, punk and subliminal elements. The portraits aim to unconsciously and deliberately blur the lines between reality and a dream.

General    16 x 16 x 2    $600.00   

Art Medium(s)
Oil on canvas
About The Artist
Luis Tinoco is a Mexican American painter from the San Francisco Bay Area. He is a self taught artist and has been active since 2009 working primarily with oil paints. Among some of his achievements have been 2 solo shows, co-producing a three person show featured in Remezcla. In 2020 his painting was exhibited at The de Young Museum for the first “de Young Open Exhibition”.

Artist's Statement
“Night Wave” series focuses on women of color in contemplative moods and subversive surroundings made up from neon settings captured in compositions reminiscent of detailed master paintings. The vibrancy from neon signs illuminate its surroundings and can be a beacon for people, whether it’s an iconic landmark in a city or simply a captivating colorful glow.